Our Mission

Plumas Charter School is committed to providing our rural communities with educational opportunities and flexibility that support students in reaching their individual potential. Our core values are compassion, perseverance, integrity and responsiveness. 

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Learning Centers

Plumas Charter School serves students in kindergarten through 12th grade throughout Plumas and adjacent counties. Our personalized learning approach includes independent study, concurrent college enrollment, enrichment activities, online curricula, electives, and center-based courses in Quincy, Indian Valley, and Chester.

Quincy Learning Center
Indian Valley Academy 

Chester Learning Center

Ms. Inge retires
PCS honors retiring teacher Inge Stock.
PCS Graduates Class of 2024
On the evening of June 7, family, friends and community members came together at Feather River College to celebrate Plumas Charter School’s class of 2024.
Sixth-graders advance to middle school
Two Plumas Charter School learning centers held sixth-grade graduations to mark the completion of elementary school.
Prom 2024!
PCS presents enchanting prom at Plumas County Courthouse
PHESI wraps up another successful program year
The Plumas Healthcare Careers Exploration Spring Institute (PHESI) reached its conclusion on May 17, marking the culmination of an enriching journey for nine ambitious high school students.

Executive Director's Message

At Plumas Charter School, we are proud to bring our core values of compassion, perseverance, integrity and responsiveness to the forefront in serving our students and families even when challenges arise. I am immensely grateful to and privileged to work with our teachers and staff, who unite behind our mission to offer personalized education while also supporting our students, families, employees, and communities. To our families: thank you for choosing PCS and for being active participants in your child's education. Your partnership and trust are held in great esteem. I am looking forward to continuing to support the evolution of our school culture and our instructional team. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns! -Taletha Washburn

School News
